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  • art.指已提到的人(物); 指说话人与听者已知的人(物); 用于独一无二的事物前; 与形容词最高级和序数词连用


The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile.



The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places.


金山词霸 每日一句

Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.



When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.


The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.


金山词霸 每日一句

Eventually, you'll learn to cry that on the inside.



Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill


金山词霸 每日一句

If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.


金山词霸 每日一句

The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.


金山词霸 每日一句

Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.


金山词霸 每日一句

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.


金山词霸 每日一句

She went directly to Simon's apartment and knocked on the door.



They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation.



He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.



What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple?




is something few can accomplishneeds some practice firstrequires a lot of patienceis a challenge at the beginningThey find it even more difficult.


Your identity has been formed; you've built up your resources; and now you have the chance to take the big risks precisely because your foundation is already secure.


You feel the same emotions – it is just as raw, just as fresh… You can't turn off that stream of memories, no matter how hard you try.


Within two years, Leah shed the safety of her accounting job and made the switch complete.


While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate bubble, the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.


Where do the seeds of change come from? The Native American Indians have a saying: Pay attention to the whispers so you won't have to hear the screams.


Where are you in the cycle of renewal: Are you actively preserving the present, or selectively forgetting the past, or boldly creating the future? What advice would Leah give you to move you ahead on your journey? Once we're on the path of growth, we can continually move through the seasons of transformation and renewal.


When you can quote a specific number like a fifth of the patients were able to quit, that's compelling.


When we acquire new information, the brain automatically tries to incorporate it within existing information by forming associations.


When it's time to make the leap, they take action and immediately drop what's no longer serving their purpose.


When Leah made the commitment to change, she primed herself to new opportunities she may otherwise have overlooked.


What could have been considered the beginning of a descent is now a potential turning point—the turning point you are most equipped to take full advantage of.


We recently caught up with yoga entrepreneur Leah Zaccaria, who put herself through the fire of change to completely reinvent herself.


Viewing the past in high definition can make it very difficult to get over pain and regret.


Veiseh began to remember the details of his everyday experiences after he met his first young love.


Urbanization – migration away from the suburbs and to the city center – will be the biggest real estate trend in 2015, according to a new report.


This trend will continue into the 2020s, the report projects.


This means they often have to make a special effort to lay the past to rest.


This is hard to achieve when, as is now the case in many big firms, a large proportion of staff are temporary contractors.


This has wiped 6% off the value of the soft tissue paper market in the UK.


They need to rid their minds of sentimentalism : the most successful teams have leaders who are able to set an overall direction and take immediate action.


They need to immunise teams against group-think: Hackman argued that the best ones contain deviants who are willing to do something that may be upsetting to others.


They feel much less pain in the process.


They feel attached to the suburban environment.


They emphasize the strength of toilet paper the most.


They choose purpose over happiness—having a clear sense of purpose even reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.


They are particular about the quality of toilet paper.


They are cherished by the rich.


These extra features are deemed unnecessary by the majority of shoppers, which probably reflects how these types of products are typically more expensive than regular toilet paper, even when on special offer.


There's part of this sickening horror of knowing you're walking on the edge with this, that I kind of like, knowing that it could all fall apart at any second.


There's only one problem with the cliché .


There's an ancient legend that as long as these eggs are made, evil will not prevail in the world, says Joan Brander, a Canadian egg-painter who has been painting eggs for over 60 years, having learned the art from her Ukrainian relatives.


The worst fear Leah ever had was the prospect of losing her yoga business.


The worsening infrastructure.


The tradition, dating back to 300 B.C., was later incorporated into the Christian church.


The run has been taken; now is the time to leap.


The report's writers state that America's failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real-estate market, but also our ability to remain globally competitive.


The report says America's urbanization will continue to be the most significant issue affecting the industry, as cities across the country imitate the walkability and transit-oriented development making cities like New York and San Francisco so successful.


The report refers to this as the coming of the 18-hour city, and uses the term to refer to cities like Houston, Austin, Charlotte, and Nashville, which are positioning themselves as highly competitive, in terms of livability, employment offerings, and recreational and cultural facilities.


The question is, how?Lawrence Patihis at the University of Southern Mississippi recently studied around 20 people with HSAM and found that they scored particularly highly on two measures: fantasy proneness and absorption.


The phrase almost completes itself: midlife crisis.


The people with HSAM I've interviewed would certainly agree that it can be a mixed blessing.


The other cut down gradually over the course of two weeks.


The old symbols, however, still endure.


The new card you receive will come with a new personal identification number .


The millennials who will soon make up half the workforce in rich countries were raised from nursery school onwards to work in groups.


The middle-aged person, Barth continued, can see death in the distance, but moves with a measured haste to get big new things done while there is still time.


The majority of previous research has focused on how we learn and remember new information.


The least that can be concluded from this research is that companies need to think harder about managing teams.


The late Richard Hackman of Harvard University once argued, I have no question that when you have a team, the possibility exists that it will generate magic, producing something extraordinary… But don't count on it.


The lack of confidence on the part of investors.


The house prices are currently too high.


The fierce global competition.


The fashion for teams is driven by a sense that the old way of organising people is too rigid for both the modern marketplace and the expectations of employees.


The fashion for teams is also spreading from the usual corporate suspects to some more unusual ones.


The elaborate patterns were believed to offer protection against evil.


The cycle of renewal never ends.


The continuing economic recession in the country.


The bulk of the research shows that there may be a pause, or a shifting of gears in the 40s or 50s, but this shift can be exciting, rather than terrifying.


The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious memories as well as our lifetime's knowledge.


The absorption helps them to establish strong foundations for recollection, says Patihis, and the fantasy proneness means that they revisit those memories again and again in the coming weeks and months.


The US Army has gone the same way.


The Cleveland Clinic, a hospital operator, has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas; consultants, nurses and others collaborate closely instead of being separated by speciality and rank.


That's why leaders continue to manage the present while building toward the big changes of the future.


Teamwork is most effective when team members share the same culture.


Teamwork improves with time: America's National Transportation Safety Board found that 73% of the incidents in its civil-aviation database occurred on a crew's first day of flying together.


Teams have become the basic building-blocks of organisations.


Team-building skills are in short supply: Deloitte reports that only 12% of the executives they contacted feel they understand the way people work together in networks and only 21% feel confident in their ability to build cross-functional teams.


Successful team leaders know exactly where the team should go and are able to take prompt action.


Strength, softness and thickness remain the leading indicators of toilet paper quality, with just a small proportion of consumers preferring more luxurious alternatives, such as those with flower patterns or perfume,said Mintel analyst Jack Duckett.


Some traditions are simple, like the red eggs that get baked into Greek Easter breads.


Some team members find it hard to agree on questions like membership and the team's purpose.


Some people are absorbed in the past but not open to new memories, but that's not the case for me.


So it's no surprise that cultures around the world celebrate spring by honoring the egg.


Six months out, more people who had quit abruptly had stuck with it—more than one-fifth of them, compared to about one-seventh in the other group.


Shoppers in the UK are spending less money on toilet paper to save money, research has shown.


She studied the smoking patterns of adult smokers.


She never knows if the egg will break before the design is completed.


She is never sure what the final design will look like until the end.


She can add multiple details to the design to communicate her idea.


Several years ago, she became interested in eggs and learned the traditional Ukrainian technique to draw her very modern characters.


Seventy-four percent of the respondents surveyed report a good to excellent expectation of real-estate profitability in 2015.


Profound changes in the workforce are making teams trickier to manage.


Product transitions take much less time now than in the past.


Preparation has been made; now is the time for the venture of the work itself.


People with HSAM often have to make efforts to avoid focusing on the past.


People with HSAM have the same memory as ordinary people when it comes to impersonal information.


People rarely manage to quit the first time they try.


People can enjoy services around the clock.


People are in harmony with the environment.


Others elevate the egg into a fancy art, like the heavily jewel-covered eggs that were favored by the Russians starting in the 19th century.


One of the reasons I find this topic very interesting is because my mom was a smoker when I was younger, says Lindson-Hawley, who studies tobacco and health at the University of Oxford.


One in 10 buyers rank toilet rolls made from recycled paper among their top considerations, highlighting how overall the environment is much less of a consideration for shoppers than product quality.


On the plus side, it allows you to relive the most transformative and enriching experiences.


Often the best ideas for big changes come from unexpected places—it's just a matter of tuning in.


Needless to say, people like Veiseh are of great interest to neuroscientists hoping to understand the way the brain records our lives.


Most roads, bridges, transit, water systems, the electric grid, and communications networks were installed 50 to 100 years ago, and they are largely taken for granted until they fail.


More and more Britons buy recycled toilet paper to protect the environment.


Midlife seems like the second big phase of decision-making.


Many more people with HSAM started to contact researchers due to the mass media.


search of food, they make the waste sites their winter feeding grounds.


deprive colleges of the right to manage their facilitiesmake workers less motivated in performing dutiesrender a number of campus workers joblesslead to the privatization of campus facilitiesThe outsourcing plan is not yet finalized.


cut the salary of senior executivesrelocate some of its chain storesadjust its promotion strategiesreduce the size of its staffTo experiment on its new business concept.


Yet there are recent signs that the gap could be starting to shrink.


Yet later on, the more affluent children end up in college and on the way to the middle class, while working-class children tend to struggle.


Writing in the journal, the scientists describe how the storks from Germany were clearly affected by the presence of waste sites, with four out of six birds that survived for at least five months overwintering on rubbish dumps in northern Morocco, instead of migrating to the Sahel.


Within Italy, the great focus was Rome, whose ancient ruins and more recent achievements were shown to every Grand Tourist.


Winners of local contests will participate in the national math competition for free.


While these numbers are still being validated by the state, we feel any adjustments they might suggest will be immaterial, Morgan wrote to the presidents.


While many birds travelled along well-known routes to warmer climates, others stopped short and spent the winter on landfills, feeding on food waste, and the multitudes of insects that thrive on the dumps.


While alternative estimates of the damage from carbon emissions differ, and it's especially hard to reckon the likely costs of possible catastrophic climate events, most estimates suggest substantial negative effects.


While Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday all saw record spending online, in-store sales plunged over the holiday weekend.


What the designers of American sportswear proved was that fashion is a genuine design art, answering to the demanding needs of service.


We want to reach parents who are not plugged into the system, said Zaharopol.


We need very broad participation to fully address the global tragedy that results when countries fail to take into account the negative impact of their carbon emissions on the rest of the world.


We live today indebted to McCardell, Cashin, Hawes, Wilkins, and Maxwell, and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design.


Unless renewables become cheap enough that substantial carbon deposits are left underground for a very long time, if not forever, the planet will likely be exposed to potentially catastrophic climate risks.


Unfortunately, the current low prices for oil, gas, and coal may provide little incentive for research to find even cheaper substitutes for those fuels.


Travel was arduous and costly throughout the period, possible only for a privileged class—the same that produced gentlemen scientists, authors, antique experts, and patrons of the arts.


To match the growing demand, services are springing up to make it easier to publish research products online and enable other researchers to discover and cite them.


Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour, a practice which introduced Englishmen, Germans, Scandinavians, and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years.


This prompted the company to cut its forecasts for the full fourth quarter.


They were the pioneers of gender equity, in their useful, adaptable clothing, which was both made for the masses and capable of self-expression.


They made some improvements on the traditional Parisian design.


They join the storks from Germany on rubbish dumps in Morocco.


They have seriously polluted the places where birds spend winter.


They have changed the previous migration habits of certain birds.


They have accelerated the reproduction of some harmful insects.


They gradually lose the habit of migrating in winterThey prefer rubbish dumps far away to those at home.


They found the antiques there more valuable.


They found inspiration in the world's greatest masterpieces.


They developed an interest in the origin of modern art forms.


They catered to the taste of the younger generation.


They can better pull through the winter.


They are not attracted to the rubbish dumps on their migration routes.


They are more likely to grow up in neighborhoods that their parents say aren't great for raising children, and their parents worry about them getting shot, beaten up or in trouble with the law.


These likely persistent forces, like the growth of shale oil, point to a low for long scenario.


These designers established the modem dress code, letting playsuits and other activewear outfits suffice for casual clothing, allowing pants to enter the wardrobe, and prizing rationalism and versatility in dress, in contradiction to dressing for an occasion or allotment of the day.


The video challenge does not put individual students on the hot seat—so it's less intimidating by design.


The trend of social and economic development.


The survey also probed attitudes and anxieties.


The summer program run by a nonprofit organization has helped many underserved students learn advanced math.


The summer after 7th grade, students spend three weeks on a college campus studying advanced math for seven hours a day.


The state's facilities management project team is still in the process of developing its business justification and expects to have that completed and available to the public at the end of February, Martin said.


The state officials are confident about the outsourcing plan.


The spread of epidemics to their homeland.


The scientists tracked white storks from different colonies in Europe and Africa.


The same is true for new technologies for alleviating fossil fuel emissions.


The retailer also announced the locations of 36 stores it will close in early 2016.


The retail giant said the poor financial performance this year has pushed it to begin implementing $400 million in cost-cutting measures.


The result would be higher emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.


The recent discovery of the giant Zohr gas field off the Egyptian coast will eventually have impact on pricing in the Mediterranean region and Europe, and there is significant development potential in many other places, notably Argentina.


The reasoning behind this saying is that low oil prices discourage investment in new production capacity, eventually shifting the oil supply curve backward and bringing prices back up as existing oil fields—which can be tapped at relatively low marginal cost—are depleted.


The reason is that when carbon is priced, those emissions reductions that are least costly to implement will happen first.


The prices of coal are low as a result of over-supply and decreasing demand.


The potential harm to the ecosystem.


The outsourcing plan will be implemented.


The nations participating at COP 21 are focusing on quantitative emissions-reduction commitments.


The most successful sharers—those whose data are downloaded and cited the most often—get noticed, and their work gets used.


The most recent one took place last week in Washington, D.C.Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.


The meals are not particularly appetizing, or even safe.


The lives of children from rich and poor American families look more different than ever before.


The lack of a research culture.


The involvement of more women in fashion design.


The increasing differences in child rearing between rich and poor families reflect growing social inequality.


The hope is that the success of COP 21 opens the door to future international agreement on carbon prices.


The genetic change in the stork species.


The football team, the basketball team—that's our competition for resources, student time, attention, school dollars, parent efforts, school enthusiasm.


The fear of massive copying.


The ever-growing demand for big data.


The essential place to visit, however, was Italy.


The emulation of traditional Parisian design.


The dynamic adjustment to low oil prices may, however, be different this time around.


The design objective and the business commitment were to sportswear, and the distinctive traits were problemsolving ingenuity and realistic lifestyle applications.


The demographics of that group looked quite different from those in the competition round—of the 16 video finalists, 13 were girls and eight were African-American students.


The damaging effect on bio-diversity.


The cycle continues: Poorer parents have less time and fewer resources to invest in their children, which can leave children less prepared for school and work, which leads to lower earnings.


The current low fossil fuel price environment will thus certainly delay the energy transition from fossil fuel to clean energy sources.


The consumer was ultimately to be mentioned as well, especially by the likes of Dorothy Shaver, who could point to the sales figures at Lord & Taylor.


The company pledged to cut 600 back-office positions, though some 150 workers in those roles would be reassigned to other jobs.


The company had previously announced the planned closures, but had not said which locations would be affected.


The company blamed much of the poor performance in November and December on unseasonably warm weather.


The college spending analysis justifies the outsourcing plan.


The class differences in child rearing are growing—a symptom of widening inequality with far-reaching consequences.


The changing attitude of journals and funders.


The challenge is if certain types of people are doing something, it's difficult for other people to break into it, said Po-Shen Loh, the head coach of last year's winning U.S.Math Olympiad team.


The birds can easily eat pieces of plastic or rubber hands and they can die, said Flack.


The belief that research data is private intellectual propertyThe concern that certain agencies may make a profit out of it.


The advent of new technologies has added about 4.


The advancement of digital technology.


The achievement gap between children from high- and lowincome families is 30-40% larger among children born in 2001 than those born 25 years earlier, according to Mr.


The Russian, Greek and Polish storks flew as far as South Africa, while those from Spain, Tunisia and Germany flew only as far as the Sahel.


The North American shale gas boom has resulted in record low prices there.


The Math Video Challenge is a competition, but a collaborative one.


The Math Olympiad Summer Training Program is a three-week math camp held by the Mathematical Association of America that leads straight to the international championship and is free for those who make it.


The Los Angeles Math Circle, held at the University of California, Los Angeles, began in 2007 with 20 students and now has more than 250.


The International Monetary Fund calculates that countries can generate substantial fiscal revenues by eliminating fossil fuel subsidies and levying carbon charges that capture the domestic damage caused by emissions.


The Grand Tourist was typically a young man with a thorough grounding in Greek and Latin literature as well as some leisure time, some means, and some interest in art.


The German traveler Johann Winckelmann pioneered the field of art history with his comprehensive study of Greek and Roman sculpture; he was portrayed by his friend Anton Raphael Mengs at the beginning of his long residence in Rome.


The British traveler Charles Thompson spoke for many Grand Tourists when in 1744 he described himself as being impatiently desirous of viewing a country so famous in history, a country which once gave laws to the world, and which is at present the greatest school of music and painting, contains the noblest productions of sculpture and architecture, and is filled with cabinets of rarities, and collections of all kinds of historical relics.


"I thought it would be useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age" Joseph Stocke, the managing director of a company, says of his 2-year old son.

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